Original Article
Siapkah Mobil Listrik Produksi
Para produsen Jerman memproduksi model mobil elektrik. Namun
peminatnya masih sedikit. Apakah waktunya sudah tepat untuk kendaraan listrik ?
751 PS mobil listrik Mercedes SLS AMG merupakan mobil tercepat yang melaju
dengan baterai. Juga yang termahal. Harganya sekitar 420.000 Euro. Penjualan
mobil listrik model ini tidak akan banyak mendongkrak penjualan mobil elektrik.
Depan Mobil Listrik?
Ada lagi mobil listrik Elektro-Smart. Ini model yang sesuai untuk
di perkotaan. Namun harganya pun 25.000 Euro, lebih mahal dari mobil berbahan
bakar bensin. Sebanyak 16 model mobil listrik baru dari produsen Jerman akan
dipajang di toko pada akhir 2014. Apakah kini awal masa depan mobil listrik?
"Kami sebagai produsen benar-benar mendapatkan
dorongan, dan saya pikir pameran otomotif di Frankfurt tahun ini merupakan
sinyal yang kuat. Awalnya skeptis, namun kini kami memperoleh kepercayaan diri
kembali. Mobil listrik benar-benar dapat memiliki peluang di masa depan",
demikian menurut Thomas Weber dari bagian pengembangan Mercedes.
Hal ini juga diyakini BMW. Produsen mobil dari Bayern ini
menginvestasikan banyak uang untuk dapat memproduksi seri mobil baru
berpenggerak baterai. Tipe i3 adalah awalnya. Sasisnya terbuat dari serat
karbon. Bahannya yang ringan mengimbangi bobot baterai yang berat. Harganya
dipatok 35.000 Euro, kisaran yang diinginkan pelanggan.
Norbert Reithofer, direktur BMW menjelaskan : "Kami
telah melakukan pengujian menyeluruh dengan model mini-E dan hasilnya, mobil
ini bisa digunakan untuk jangkauan harian di kota-kota besar. Jarak tempuh i3
ini adalah sekitar 64 kilometer. Jika kendaraan elektrik kami memiliki
jangkauan 150 kilometer, itu sudah cukup."
Selalu Sama
Produsen Jerman tidak mengikuti konsep seragam. Audi,
misalnya, bagi mereka, mobil listrik murni masih impian masa depan. Sebaliknya,
lebih menekankan pada teknologi hibrid. Penggerak baterai diaktifkan hanya saat
"Kami memutuskan bahwa A3 E-tron menggabungkan
keunggulan dua sistem, elektrik digunakan di perkotaan, CO2 - netral, 50 km,
namun jarak tempuh jauh dijangkau mesin bensin.Tuntutan pelanggan selalu
tercermin pada produk kami. Jika mereka ingin membeli mobil, tuntutannya dua
mesin", kata Rupert Stadler dari Audi
Di garis depan mula-mula hendak meraih pelanggan. Di masa
depan semakin banyak mobil listrik di jalanan. Apakah dengan mobil listrik
murni atau dengan energi campuran, belum diputuskan secara final.
Google Translate
Ready for a Mass
Production Electric Car?
The German manufacturers produce electric car models. But the demand is
still small. Is the time right for an electric vehicle?
Powered 751 PS electric car
Mercedes SLS AMG is the fastest car that drove by battery. Also the most
expensive. It costs about 420,000 Euros. Sales of electric cars this model will
not boost sales of electric cars.
The Future of Electric Cars?
There is another Electro-Smart electric car. This is an
appropriate model for urban areas. But the price was 25.000 Euro, more
expensive than gasoline-fueled cars. A total of 16 new electric car models from
German manufacturers will be on display in stores by the end of 2014. What is
the beginning of the future of electric cars?
"We as producers really get a boost, and I think the
automotive exhibition in Frankfurt this year is a strong signal, initially
skeptical, but now we gain confidence again.A electric car really can have a
chance in the future", according to Thomas Weber from the Mercedes
development department.
It is also believed BMW. The Bayern car manufacturer is
investing a lot of money to be able to produce a new series of battery-packed
cars. Type i3 is the beginning. The chassis is made of carbon fiber.
Lightweight material offset heavy battery weight. The price is set at 35,000
Euros, the desired range of customers.
Norbert Reithofer, BMW's director explains: "We have
done thorough testing with mini-E models and as a result, this car can be used
for daily coverage in big cities.It's about 64 kilometers.If our electric
vehicles have a range of 150 kilometers, that's enough. "
Not Always the Same
German manufacturers do not follow the uniform concept.
Audi, for example, for them, a pure electric car is still a dream of the
future. Instead, more emphasis on hybrid technology. The battery drive is
activated only when needed.
"We decided that the A3 E-tron combines the advantages of two systems, electrically used in urban, CO2 - neutral, 50 km, but the mileage is far reachable to gasoline engines. Customer demand is always reflected in our products.If they want to buy a car, ", said Rupert Stadler of Audi
At the forefront at first wanted to reach customers. In the future more and more electric cars on the streets. Whether with pure electric cars or with mixed energy, it has not been decided in a final way.
My Translation
Ready for a Mass Production of Electric Car?
German manufacturers produce electric car models. But the demand is still
small. Is it the time right for an electric vehicle?
751 PS electric car Mercedes SLS AMG is the fastest car that drove by battery.
Also the most expensive. It costs about 420,000 Euros. The sales of electric
cars with this model will not boost any sales of electric cars.
The Future of Electric Cars?
is Electro-Smart electric car. This is another model of electric cars for urban
areas. But the price was 25.000 Euro, more expensive than gasoline-fueled cars.
16 new models of electric car from German manufacturers will be shown in stores
by the end of 2014. Is it the beginning of electric cars future?
a manufacturers, we really get a boost, and I think the automotive exhibition
in Frankfurt this year is a strong signal, we are skeptical at first, but now
we gain our confidence again.The electric car really can have a chance in the
future", according to Thomas Weber from the Mercedes development
is also believed BMW. This Bayern car manufacturer is investing a lot of money
to produce a new series of battery-packed cars. Type i3 is the beginning. The
chassis is made of carbon fiber. Lightweight material offset the heavy battery
weight. The price is set at 35,000 Euros, as the desired range of customers.
Reithofer, BMW's director explains: "We have done the testing with mini-E
models and as a result, this car can be used for daily coverage in big
cities.It's about 64 kilometers.If our electric vehicles have a range of 150
kilometers, that's enough. "
Not Always the Same
manufacturers do not follow the uniform concept. Audi, for instance, pure electric car is still a dream of the
future for them. Instead, they more prefer to emphasis on hybrid technology.
The battery drive is activated only when needed.
decided the A3 E-tron combines the advantages of two systems, electrically used
in urban, CO2 - neutral, 50 km,but the far mileage must be reached with the
gasoline engine. Customer demand is always reflected in our products.If they
want to buy a car, ", said Rupert Stadler of Audi
the start, we wanted to reach
customers. In the future more and more electric cars on the streets. Whether
with pure electric cars or with mixed energy, it has not been decided in a
final way.
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