: Part 2 - How to Conduct Successful Meeting
Published date : June, 30th 2014
Published by : United Teachers
Source :
Published date : June, 30th 2014
Published by : United Teachers
Source :
Result of Analysis
video is about United Teachers Los Angeles and The American Federation of
Teachers present Part 2 in a series on "How to Conduct a Successful
Meeting". This video shows how an organized meeting can achieve consensus
and accomplish the goals set by the agenda.
There are
many reasons why this video can be an example of a good and effective meeting.
Below are the explanations:
1. All
participants already got the agenda, so they know what is going to be
2. The leader
of the meeting opens the meeting with greeting everyone and recalls the
decision of the last meeting.
3. The leader also
tells the rules of the meeting so participants will pay the attention
to the meeting issues which is
about choosing the education technology media for
student between iPad and PCs because the
district open it up so that the meeting
can make some changes to how they did their budget of three hundred
dollars for
4. Then the leader
asks the participant one by one to give the opinion about the issues
they have. Therefore, there is no monopoly in the meeting because all
participants of
the meeting have the same rights
to share their opinion. Besides, when one person is
telling his or her opinion, the
others listen it carefully and appreciate the opinion.
5. The leader of the
meeting controls the meeting very well so the meeting run
6. The leader gives
advice or alternative idea for each opinion that the participants
deliver in the meeting.
7. The arguments based on fact
and not emotional opinions.
8. When the decision has
been made, the leader asks all participants if there is anybody
that could not live with the
decision or are they have any other thing they want to
9. The leader close the
meeting with concluding the result of the meeting.
Based on
its purpose, we can conclude that the meeting is a problem solving meeting.
Because, the purpose of the meeting is to solve the problems about education
technology media for student. Meanwhile, based on the characteristics of a
successful meeting, this meeting can be categorized as successful meeting,
because the meeting is organized, focused on the topic, all participants give
opinion and the decision is taken by all participants.
Discussed by: Asri, Ismadanti, Margaretha, Rahmaluttifah, Talitha, and
Stacia (3SA01)